
Moapa Valley Art Guild Scholarship Program

The Moapa Valley Art Guild (MVAG) offers college scholarships to visual art students who are graduates of Moapa Valley High School. The MVAG may grant up to three scholarships in one year if applications are received from highly qualified candidates. There is no requirement that any scholarship be granted if there are no qualified candidates. Scholarships awards are decided by members of the Moapa Valley Art Guild Scholarship Committee.

The MVAG Scholarship program is funded by proceeds from the Raffle held at the Pomegranate Arts and Crafts Festival each year.

Scholarship Awards for 2023 ✨

The Moapa Valley Art Guild is pleased to announce the following 3 outstanding young artists received scholarships for 2023: 

We wish Abigail, Marisol, and Amiah continued success as they pursue their goals and interests at their chosen institutions. 👏

Scholarship Requirements

Scholarship Application

🗓️ Application Deadline: April 20